🚔 Leaving the scene of an accident can lead to serious charges.
Severity of accident:A minor accident with only property damage may result in a misdemeanor charge with smaller fines, while an accident causing serious injury or death will likely lead to a felony charge with harsher penalties.
Legal obligation to stop:In most jurisdictions, drivers are legally required to stop at the scene of an accident and provide information, including their contact details, to the other parties involved.
Potential penalties:Depending on the circumstances, penalties for a hit and run can include:
Fines ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars
Jail time, potentially for several years in serious cases
License suspension
Community service
- Civil lawsuits from the victim seeking compensation for damages
If you're facing a hit-and-run accusation, contact us immediately for legal advice. ⚖️
Fines ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars
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