👩⚖️ Juvenile charges can have long-term consequences for young lives.
- Fines may be issued for property damage or emotional distress
- Fines may be part of the punishment for drug possession or underage drinking
- Community service may be a condition of probation
Community service may be required for vandalism, criminal mischief, or simple assault
- Detention may involve being sent to a juvenile detention facility
Detention may be part of the punishment for shoplifting, theft, vandalism, or criminal mischief
- Probation may be part of the punishment for assault, drug possession, or underage drinking
- Probation may involve anger management classes
- Juvenile convictions can affect a student's ability to attend certain schools or receive financial aid for college
Juveniles in detention may attend school and participate in educational programs
Employment consequences
- Certain employers may not hire individuals with criminal records and Difficulty obtaining work.
- Landlords and housing authorities may deny a juvenile with a criminal record from renting or living in certain areas
We're dedicated to protecting the rights and futures of minors. Give us a call for a free consultation. 🔑
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